So whats this?

So whats this?
Photo by Thomas Jensen / Unsplash

So, I've had a domain collecting digital dust for, like, almost a decade now. Figured it was about time to slap something on it... Then I thought its probably not the right thing to host an external facing blog and all my internal stuff on a same domain, so I have purchased a second one, just to host this blog.

And hey, if you're reading this, I guess I accidentally made the domain accessible in my proxy settings. Or maybe did it on purpose...

Decided it might be cool to jot down some stuff about my homelab experiements. Mostly for my own benefit, so I can look back and remember the chaos I've caused. Sure, I could've dumped it all in some boring notes app or shared it on every social platform under the sun, but hey, why not give self-hosting Ghost a try while I'm at it?

So here it is, folks. No promises on future posts. Take it in while it lasts, or don't.